CastleDAO Profile
A profile that always goes with you
The CastleDAO profile is a Soulbound token that is limited to one per address.
This profile holds relevant data about your progress in CastleVerse:
Name tag: Your CastleDAO name tag, unique
Image: Your PFP
Crafting Skill: Allows for better chances on the forge
Mining Skill: Increases mining rewards
Won battles: Record history of won battles in the CastleVerse
Badges: List of historical CastleVerse badges:
Castle owner
General owner
Defi hero owner
Podium Classic
Podium Modern
King of the tower
Miner LVL 1 / 10 / 20
Crafter LVL 1 / 10 / 20
XP: XP earned through different CastleVerse quests
Inventory: Max size of items that your account can carry.
Inventory can be increased spending RUBY
Profiles are on-chain, and all the badges have to be claimed by players manually.
CastleDAO profiles can be "unlocked" and become tradable by paying a fee in $MAGIC or ETH to the Great Vault. When profiles are traded, they lose all the badges.
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