Castle Protocol Phased Launch
List of things that need to be built.
Launching of RUBY
Initial airdrop, more details on Tokenomics
Launch of CastleDAO profiles
Minting for free, limited 1 per address, soulbound CastleDAO Profile
Launch of NFT staking
Castles, generals and defiheroes will be able to be staked to mint new RUBY
Launch of the battle Staking contract where players stake ruby that can be used for battles (in ideation)
Stake Ruby for battles
Stake Consumables for battles
Stake Warriors / NFTs to be used in your decks
Stake Items to be used in battles
Launch of the on-chain / off-chain bridging gate (in ideation)
This gate will allow people to play offchain battles without spending fees.
User's deposited RUBY will be gRUBY (in game ruby) that can be bridged in and out of the game
Launch of the Great Vault
The Great Vault accrues protocol fees to be distributed later.
ERC1155 Consumables Consumables
Consumables are obtained after a fight or purchased with RUBY on the blacksmith
Users need to send the consumables into the fight contract in order to be able to be used for fights
Consumables Shop Contract:
Allows the purchase of ERC1155 consumables with RUBY
Allows minting consumables after a battle, if the game system generated a key that is used as a reward.
ERC1155 Items Items
Items can be equiped on warriors for fights. It replaces the current item system.
Forge Contract
Items can be forged on the blacksmith by burning consumables and RUBY.
Example: 1 Parchment + 1 Poison Vial = SPELL BOOK OF POISON
Example: 1 Wood + 1 Iron bar = 1 SWORD
Different items can be combined to generate higher power items.
Example: 1 SWORD + 1 Spell Book = MAGIC SWORD
All the forge actions will require burning RUBY in the process or sending it to the great vault
Launch of RUBY staking.
Stakers of RUBY earn rewards from the protocol
Rewards are emitted from:
Purchasing consumables
Purchasing Warriors
Launch of Smol Brawlers
More details in the future
Last updated