Abilities and passive abilities
This page gives an overview of the different abilities and game phases.
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This page gives an overview of the different abilities and game phases.
Last updated
Abilities are cast at the beginning of the turn. In order to be able to cast an ability the warrior needs to reach 10 mana points. Each warrior can cast one ability and then their mana goes back to 0.
This is a list of the current game abilities:
blind: Disable attack and dodge on an enemy for 2 turns
freeze: Disables attack, dodge, mana generation and spell casting on an enemy for 1 turn
manaFreeze: Disables mana generation on an enemy for two turns
energyWave: Deals 10 magic damage to all enemies. Scales with ability power
encourage: Increases Strength by 120% on a random ally for 3 turns
fast: Increase Speed by 120% on a random ally for 3 turns
weaken: Reduce defense by 50% on a random enemy for 2 turns
slow: Reduces speed by 50% on a random enemy for 2 turns
magic: Increases Intelligence by 100% on all allies for 3 turns
poison: Poisons one enemy, reducing constitution by 10% each turn for 3 turns
fire: Hits an enemy with fire, reducing constitution by 5%
hulk: Increases Constitution by 100% on the caster for 3 turns
heal: Heals a random ally for 20% of their base health
blessing: Heals all allies for 5% of their base health
openWounds: Disables healing for 4 turns and reduces constitution by 3% per turn on a random enemy
lightning: Deals 20 magic damage directly to the target
manaBurn: Burns the mana of an eneny and applies the mana amount as magical damage. Ignores magic resistance
bite: Bites an enemy reducing their defense and magic resistance by 5
diamond: Increases Defense by 120% on a random ally for 3 turns
assassin: Increases Agility by 120% on a random ally for 3 turns
Some warriors have special passive abilities that are always active.
DoubleAttack: Has 30% chance to attack 2 times
DoubleCast: Casts spells 2 times
Revive: Come back to life after dying for the first time.
Nurture: Each turn it gains 0.5 on each trait
LifeSteal: Returns 30% of the physical damage done as life
SpellVamp: Returns 30% of the magical damage done as life
ArmorPenetration: Ignores 50% of the armor of the target